Privacy Policy In carrying out its activities Denveiss OÜ (registry code 10872190; address: Pae 21, 11415 Tallinn) comes across the data of natural persons.

Any data concerning an identified or identifiable natural person are personal data.

In the course of its activities Denveiss OÜ performs various operations with personal data, i.e. processes personal data.

Personal data can be disclosed, communicated, collected, used, organised, stored, altered, recorded, closed, deleted, destroyed. The following may be carried out with regard to personal data: grant or restrict access; make enquiries; retrieve data.

Upon processing of personal data, Denveiss OÜ pays particular attention to the following principles:

personal data shall be collected only in an honest and legal manner; the personal data processed shall be up-to-date and complete; security measures shall be applied in order to protect personal data; personal data shall be collected only for the achievement of determined and lawful objectives; personal data shall be collected only to the extent necessary for the achievement of determined objectives; the data subject shall be granted access to the data concerning him or her and the data subject has the right to correct the data, if necessary. Denveiss OÜ takes organisational, physical and technical information security measures in order to protect personal data from disclosure, unauthorised processing and destruction.

A data subject has the right to: request from the processor of personal data access to the data concerning him or her and demand the correction or deletion of the data; File a complaint regarding processing of personal data to the supervisory authority.
For further information on processing and protection of personal data please contact the Denveiss OÜ data protection officer: